Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

Sammi Jackson - Black Roses + Leopard Print

I could not wait top wear my new Unif heels so I wore them out on Father's Day! I didn't want to get too dressed up as we were only going round a few quiet pubs in the daytime so I went for a casual look as I thought my heels would be crazy enough,
I was a good foot taller than my gran so she refused to walk next to me and I also fell over in a car park as there was a little hole I didn't see, these shoes are seriously dangerous haha

Black rose crown: Ebay - £12.99
Biker jacket: Miss Selfridge - £52.00
Black chiffon vest: H&M - £12.99
Grey Joni Jeans: Topshop - £36.00
Vintage Chanel: Thrifted £800.00
The Goner Platform: Dolls Kill - $235.00, find here

Sammi, x