Tuesday, 28 April 2020


Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

I love everything5pounds.com - here are my most recent shoe purchases, all of course, only £5. I've added the links but they sell out fast!

Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul  
Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul  
Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul  
Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

Sammi Jackson- Everything 5 Pounds Shoe Haul

Sammi, x