First up are these amazing holographic boots from Lolashoutique!
I love them so much!! A lot of people have said that they are vile, but what do they know? They obviously aren't cool enough to appreciate them right? ;)
They have a zip on the inside to make them easier to get on and they're super comfy!
Keeping up with the holograohic theme is my new clutch bag from Chicwish!
I've wanted one for a while so fell in love with this one when I saw it; it doesn't look as cheap as some of the other do. I think it will look great with these oversized crystal sunglasses, what do you all think? :)
Also from Chicwish are these bracelets - one multicoloured gem one and one spiked one, and this collar chain with blue sapphire jems! This will definately brighten up any boring shirt!
The kalidoscope vest and palm tee are from Represent Clothing! The kaleidoscope vest will go with all my black and brown stuff I usually wear during the winter haha and I am going to cut the palm tee into a vest and pair with light denim for a super summery look!

They do awesome unisex tees, vest, jumpers and other items like hats & bags! I love all the different bright prints they do and their speckled vest would be perfect paired with denim shorts for summer, for boths guys and gals!
This Fresh Print beaut is from Saturday School, how amazing is this right? You know you want one...
Here are 3 new and upcoming brands you should keep an eye out for!!
First up, Betti Z Jewelery! I recieved all these necklaces from them and love them all! They're based in Austrailia but offer free shipping on all onlime orders! I'm from the UK and recieved this parcel within a week, very speedy delivery indeed! They do beautiful and on trend jewelery for every occaison, go check these guys out!
Second up, Meow Clothing! UK based and if you use the discount code 'SammiJacksonDiscount' you will recieve 10% of your order!
Last up - Salvus clothing, UK based and they will be launching their website early July! Do you want to be one of the first people to own their garms? Go can check them out on Instagram (@SalvasClothing) to keep upto date with what they're doing and be ready for their launch!
Blogger bits:
Girl Power holographic boots: Lola Shoutique - $45.00, find here / (@LolaShoetique on Instagram)
Palm Tee: Represent Clothing - £30.00, find here / (@RepresentClo on Instagram)
Fresh prince vest: Saturday School - $24.00, find here (@SaturdaySchool on Instagram)
Acid trip tee: Meow Clothing - £14.99, find here
Meow beaonie: Meow Clothing - £10.00, find here
Remember to use discount code 'SammiJacksonDiscount' for 10% off :)
Sammi, x