Monday, 7 October 2019


Sammi Jackson - Primark Black Fedora / Zaful Sunglasses / Femmeluxe Finery Silky Tie Blouse / Femmeluxe Finery Lace Bodysuit / Topshop Satin Jeans / Vestiere Collective Boy Chanel Bag / Primark Sandals

Sammi Jackson - Primark Black Fedora / Zaful Sunglasses / Femmeluxe Finery Silky Tie Blouse / Femmeluxe Finery Lace Bodysuit / Topshop Satin Jeans / Vestiere Collective Boy Chanel Bag / Primark Sandals

Sammi Jackson - Primark Black Fedora / Zaful Sunglasses / Femmeluxe Finery Silky Tie Blouse / Femmeluxe Finery Lace Bodysuit / Topshop Satin Jeans / Vestiere Collective Boy Chanel Bag / Primark Sandals

Fedora: Primark - £8.00
Sunglasses: Zaful - $7.83, find here
Satin tie top: Femme Luxe - £4.99, find here
Bodysuit: Femme Luxe - £12.00, find here
Jeans: ASOS - £30.00, find here 
Boy bagChanel from Vestiaire Collective, find here 
Sandals: Primark - £10.00

Sammi, x


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    Monday 7 October 2019
    Sammi Jackson - Primark Black Fedora / Zaful Sunglasses / Femmeluxe Finery Silky Tie Blouse / Femmeluxe Finery Lace Bodysuit / Topshop Satin Jeans / Vestiere Collective Boy Chanel Bag / Primark Sandals

    Sammi Jackson - Primark Black Fedora / Zaful Sunglasses / Femmeluxe Finery Silky Tie Blouse / Femmeluxe Finery Lace Bodysuit / Topshop Satin Jeans / Vestiere Collective Boy Chanel Bag / Primark Sandals

    Sammi Jackson - Primark Black Fedora / Zaful Sunglasses / Femmeluxe Finery Silky Tie Blouse / Femmeluxe Finery Lace Bodysuit / Topshop Satin Jeans / Vestiere Collective Boy Chanel Bag / Primark Sandals

    Fedora: Primark - £8.00
    Sunglasses: Zaful - $7.83, find here
    Satin tie top: Femme Luxe - £4.99, find here
    Bodysuit: Femme Luxe - £12.00, find here
    Jeans: ASOS - £30.00, find here
    Boy bag: Chanel from Vestiaire Collective, find here
    Sandals: Primark - £10.00

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    3. التصميم: تصميمات متنوعة تشمل خزانات عمودية وأفقية، مما يسهل تركيبها في المساحات المختلفة.
