Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Hey guys!

A lot of you have been asking about my new hair so I thought I'd do a quick post about it and hopefully answer all your questions

I was browsing instagram the other day and I came across this picture...

I'm not sure who is in the image as it wasn't credited (Apologies!) but I fell in love with this hair! 
I already had some unused blue dye and some purple left from last time so I spontaneously decided to dye my hair!

I didn't dare do all of my hair blue, so I though i'd just do the ends for now. To be fair, my roots are like 5 inches long now because I still haven't bleached them so the dye wouldn't stick to my natural colour very well anyway!

I washed my hair first, using the Bleach London Silver shampoo - this gets rid of horrible yellow tones and gives a silvery look to blonde hair and then I used some Bleach London dyes in the colours Washed Up Mermaid and Bruised Violet.

I mixed the Washed Up Mermaid with conditioner for the top light blue colour, I used it neat on the middle section and used some neat Bruised Violet for the bottom.

I left it on for around 15 minutes

If you mix any of the colours with conditioner, it will take a lot longer for the colour to stick to your hair.
When I used to use the pink Rosé colour for dying my whole hair pink, I had to leave it on for 2 hours to get the colour to stick so keep this is in mind if you're diluting it with conditioner!

After rinsing and towel drying my hair, I used some of my favourite Tressemme mouse and then blow dried my hair.

I then curled it with my Toni + Guy 28mm barrel curler and finished it off by spraying with the Bleach London Sea Salt Spritz Spray - this adds texture and gives you that beachy, messy look!


For more info on my past hair colours and more dying tips, checkout the last video I made :)

Sammi, x