Wednesday, 27 June 2012


My new JC's finally arrived today!
They would have been here sooner if the horrible people at customs hadn't have gotten all mardy again and decided to charge me tax. Although, it was only £35.43 this time instead of the usual £60ish, so it wasn't that bad :)

After buying my black spike litas the other day i wasn't as exited about receiving these. The colour doesn't look quite as nice as it did online and they are also a little big, even though i am normally US 7.5 and these are only a US 7 (they don't do half sizes in these).
Nevertheless, i still can't wait to wear them and will be showcasing them tomorrow with a nice green dress from Topshop!

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Spike in Taupe Suede

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Spike in Taupe Suede

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Spike in Taupe suede: $189.95 @ Solestruck find here

I really want to take these on holiday but do you think i could get away with wearing them on the plane or do you think they'll get seized and classed as being too dangerous at the airport? I mean, it's not like i would attack anybody with them, image trying to get blood of suede? STAIN! Yeah, i'll put them in my case ;)

Sammi, x



  1. Babe can't believe you imported these! They are amazing but they sell these exact ones Office at the moment, it only works out about a tenner cheaper from Office though X

    1. Yeah they bought them out in Office after i'd ordered them! :( I did however get the lita spikes in black from Office haha worked out quite a lot cheaper because i got 10% student discount too :) x

  2. I think these boots are wicked! I love anything with studs on!


  3. would you say going a whole size smaller or a half size would be best?

    1. I've gone half a size smaller and they're still too big but it would be best to play it safe and try get them from a shop where you can try them on first :) x
